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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

[Radio]20071008_Bigeastation vol.28 cut - Sか、Mか。and much more!

It's Bread again...
Bigeastation is really a good program to get to know wuli 東方神起. They are somehow really relax in Bigeasation, therefore, you get the chance to hear all kinds of stuffs here.

Last Sunday's BigEastation was hosted by Jejung (Hero) with Yuchun (Micky) and Junsu (Xiah). We cut out some funny parts of the radio and hope you guys will enjoy it too!!

Original audio source from yattan and TVXQF. Englihs translation doen by Bing&Bread with assistance of the Chinese translation by Younge@神之初起. (Well, we are still new to Japanese so bare with us.. ^_^)

My English is also...crappy.. so.. yea.. just bare it with me...

Picture from 2007 August issue of S Magazine. Scanned by Bread.

Don't you just like the "Homie" feeling here? (well not in the Junsu sense.. you'll know what i'm talking about after reading the entire post... LOL)

Click start to play!

Here is the translation~~ Hope it make sense~~ LOL...


All: To~To~To~To~To~ Tohoshinki BigEastation!

(Toho Shinri - Tohoshinki's Psychological test~)
JS: Now is Junsu's turn. Radio name Maimina san's mail. The question is, here is a robot, what do you think about his characteristic?
YC: Puahahaha... there is a lot of space to think.
JS: It's white in colour, so if u need to think...
YC: The characteristic of the robot?
JS: The characteristic, yeah. Let's start from Yuchun. What do u think?
YC: To me. I don't think he will be really gentle and docile.
JS: Oh really? Anything else?
YC: En...as this picture here, the robot seems to try to take control over the human being..
JS: Oh....violent.
YC: Yeah. some feelings like that.
JS: It's a horrible robot.
YC: Yes.
JS: Ok~ I got it, so how about Jejung?
JJ: I don't think it would be an inflexible guy. It lives like a human...he even has a personality.
JJ&YC: yeah..and emotion
JS: So what kinda of personality do you think?
JJ: umm~~ ..very warm
JS: warm..and good tempered..?
JJ:I haven't got into that deep yet.
JS: Good tempered, and optimistic.
JJ: Passionate.
JS: en . I got it. So the answer of the test is .. that's the characteristic you don't have.
JJ: dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ (sreaming)
JS: Yuchun was true.
YC: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ (screaming in happiness)
JS: He's really not a violent guy and very pure. This is not funny at all. Next, it's you Jejung!
YC: Jejung is like that.
JS: Just like his appearence, generally, it's called evil.
JJ: Let's just ignore that test...please~~let's pretend we've never done it.
JS: In English, It will be Satan... Satan's friend - Jejung.
YC: yea yea yea~~
JS: That's why it's called Tohoshinri(literally means psychologies of Tohoshinki). So please forget about all these 'cause it's psychology.

YC: Ok, it's my turn now. From Radio name Uni. Her test is : "Among the stuffs in front of your house. There's a black vinyl(not sure about this) garbage bag. What would be inside the bag?
1) Flammable garbages
2) Inflammable garbages
3) A combination of flammable and inflammable garbages."
JS: I think it will be flammable garbages.
YC: Flammable ones?!
JS: Yeah it's flammable ones.
YC: O~~~~~~~~~~~(in an evil way)
JS: Ahh..!! I'm going to change it..change!
YC: No no you can't. Don't worry. It's a good answer.
JS: O~. then I will keep it as flammable ones.
JJ: I choose the 3rd one.
YC: The 3rd one. It's a mixture of flammable and inflammable garbages.
JJ: Yepp.
YC: O~~~~~
JS: What's that?
YC: The answer is...
JJ: What's this?~
YC: This question is about whether you are an S or an M. (@#$#@%#@%#@$#@$#@@$#@ ????)
JJ: Ahh. Then I am.....
YC: Understand it now?
JS: I've heard about this. There is these kinda roles in Japan.
YC: Yeah.
JJ: Junsu must be a M.
JS: Why does flammable ones mean M?
YC: (The answer of this test is) Flammable ones means M, inflammable ones means S, Mixture means both S and M.
JS&JJ: Like this.
JJ: Junsu is a totaly M.....He's the one who expresses Oyaji gag the best.
JS: But why flammables trash means M, Can't you explain this?
YC: Ummmmmm, about this. I can't explain neither. (hahahaha...)

(Kotaede Hoshiino! - I wanna know the answer!)
JS: Ok, Radio name Mijji san, "Good evening! In Korean Dramas, I saw koreans wearing Pajamas while they were sleeping, and sometimes even in dresses. So what do you guys wear when you are sleeping?"
YC: Well first of all, 5 of us...
JS: Are all males.
YC: Becase we are all males, so basicly, we sleep nakedly.
JS: Actually, only with underwears.
JJ&YC: Especially Junsu.
JS: I wanna be a free man.
YC: To be a free man (laughing~~), so you sleep without clothes on?
JS: Wanna get the "homie" feel, directly, the body and the air....
YC: This is so weird...
JS: But, Isn't Yuchun the same? hahaha~
YC: I am the same, but it has nothing to do with being free...
JS: oh really?..hahaha (they just can't stop laughing...)


How would you not LOVE this show~~~~

以上、Bread です。


IDYLL said...

Guess who I am? wakakakaka~

This blog is awesome!I love it!

icybread said...

arrr..熟sama was here~~~
think my ad does work a little bit.. keke..

Sorry we were having mid-terms these days and might be slow on the updating, but we will try our best lar~

I'm soooo glad that you like it. ^_^